Game Programming
Program using industry standard languages such as C++ and C# while keeping updated with industry developments and changes within games engines. You will explore and analyse gameplay to understand the context of the work you are creating ensuring you gain a deeper understanding of game creation.
To reflect industry practice we promote the use of agile workflows and industry events such as Game Jams and Game Societies. We focus on employability so your studies will be shaped around industry demands. As a result, you will work with industry standard software and tools to create games, supporting your professional development.
You will develop as a creative individual learning to appreciate and apply the technical techniques that form the core of contemporary games development. You will become well-versed in the real world of computer games as your progress through this course.
Upon completion of this Foundation Degree, you can progress to study for a third year and gain a full BSc (Hons) Game Programming Top-up Degree
This course is validated by Luminate Education Group

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